Client Reviews


We know that this may be a stressful time for you. And it can be hard to decide whose hands to put your hair in. That's why we've provided the below testimonials — or tresstimonials, if you will — so you can get to know us and our philosophy before you even enter our center. After browsing the below, feel free to contact us in Rhinebeck, NY to schedule a one-on-one consultation. We look forward to partnering with you on this journey.

Reviews for Rhinebeck, NY Certified Trichologist AnneMichelle Radcliffe, WTS

5.0 Review from H.R. Source: Office Visit Sep 20 2023

"Taking the first step is hard but it is so empowering. I suffered in silence with my hair loss for years, thinking I could treat it myself - I just needed to find the right product. I wasted time and money and my hair loss continued to get worse. Then one afternoon I came across AnneMichelle’s website and I suddenly felt really hopeful. I just knew she could help me but I needed to take that first step of talking openly about my hair loss. My on-line consultation with AnneMichelle was amazing and so freeing. She made me feel comfortable and not alone. She listened and helped me devise a hair recovery program specific to me with realistic and attainable goals. I’m finally on a solid hair recovery path and I have the best guide. AnneMichelle is fantastic!!"

5.0 Review from B.B. Source: Office Visit Aug 23 2023

"My hair was thinning rapidly and I needed help. AnneMichelle assured me she could help. Together, we explored several solutions in order to find one that suited me best. I now have a beautiful wig that no one can believe is a wig. From the start, I received comments such as “you look 20 years younger,” and “great hair.” The wig has boosted my morale and my appearance. The experience of working with AnneMichelle was a total pleasure."

5.0 Review from T.J. Source: Office Visit Aug 23 2023

"AnneMichelle saved my life… I bought a wig from another hair salon specializing in wigs…my head is quite small…the stylist never measured my head but ordered a wig for me… it was comical… it was HUGE with so much hair. Back I went and she ordered another wig for me, still not measuring my head… Time was running out and I was losing my hair at a rapid pace. The wig was delayed coming in, but when it did, I was in great need. The wig was still too big. She altered it, removing three webbings, BUT it still never fit well. I was beside myself… Then I saw AnneMichelle and she was at my service. She set up an appointment right away during which she MEASURED MY HEAD. Then she altered the wig not only the circumference but the length… AND styled it…HOORAY! I finally looked like me! I am still wearing it 6 months later and NO ONE knows it is a wig and everyone absolutely loves my new hairdo! THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY LIFE! I got through chemo knowing I looked as best as I could under the circumstances."

5.0 Review from B.G. Source: Office Visit Aug 23 2023

"The year I turned 70 my hair began to fall out for no apparent reason. Wow! – was I the lucky one to have already been AnneMichelle’s client! She alerted me to my hair loss and knew exactly what to do – immediately gave me a scalp assessment and treatment and prescribed a comprehensive hair loss support regimen that I followed very carefully for the next 6 – 9 months. I also, got a wig from her that nobody even knew I was wearing – it looked so much like my hair. She gave me scalp treatments every month and kept a good watch on my scalp – monitoring its health and watching to see if new hair was beginning to come in. As time went on – new hair growth appeared – short and curly at first, and not a familiar texture, but it was my hair!! After about 9 months, my hair was beginning to look and feel like it did prior to this whole event. Now my hair is full and healthy again! I am so happy and fortunate to be her client."

5.0 Review from J.J. Source: Office Visit Aug 23 2023

"I’ve been wearing a hairpiece to cover scars after surgery fifty years ago. As you might imagine, I’ve seen many hair replacement salons. Anne Michelle Hair ranks at the top. She’s an artist with scissors. She’s designed a few pieces (“systems”) for me. This was tricky due to my grey and brown natural hair, but she ‘nailed’ the color and texture matches perfectly. When the pieces started to show their age, she has been able to recondition them like new. The privacy of her salon is reassuring and even comforting. Pleasant conversation tops it off. Highly recommended!"

5.0 Review from A.B. Source: Office Visit Aug 23 2023

"“Getting my life back is a huge understatement!” Finding AnneMichelle was truly a saving grace for me. I had been struggling with hair loss from the young age of 23 and had been trying to manage it on my own for about 15 years, all the while having my condition worsen and my self-esteem diminish. After reading an article about AnneMichelle in “Best of Hudson Valley” magazine, I finally had hope for the first time in many years and anxiously made an appointment. At our first meeting, she made me feel extremely comfortable. Her knowledge of hair loss and hair prosthetics blew me away. She took the time to explain all my options with me and together we chose the best system for my specific condition. When my system came in and was applied for the first time, I immediately felt like a new person. Nervous, of course, of what people might say about my big change but thrilled to have the opportunity to find out. No one could tell what I had done, just that I looked amazing! The compliments I received and continue to receive are overwhelming and most of the time I have to remind myself that they are talking about me. I have been working with AnneMichelle for almost three years now and with every visit, she takes her time and is 110% focused on me and the work she is doing. She has not only given me my life back but has actually made it better. With my system on, I have more confidence than ever and it shows in my career and personal life. If I could share one statement with others who have been struggling with hair loss it would be that you are worth it! Take the leap and make that call today, you will be so happy you did. I will forever be grateful for everything that AnneMichelle has done and continues to do for me!"

5.0 Review from L.W. Source: Office Visit Aug 23 2023

"I feel both lucky and blessed to have met AnneMichelle. My mission was to cope with my cancer and still have my quality of life. I wanted a wig that looked like my hair and matched me perfectly. AnneMichelle had this amazing wig and she made it fit perfectly! With her expertise, I now have hair that looks totally realistic and I look like ME! Every visit with AnneMichelle, I get some “me” time and I feel beautiful…during this difficult time. You just have to meet her to know."

5.0 Review from A.F. Source: Office Visit Aug 23 2023

"The level of service that AnneMichelle provides is above the rest. She has gone above and beyond what was expected with the time she has spent with me and her ability to accommodate me. She is a renaissance woman in her field, experienced in all aspects of hair and scalp. One of the areas that she particularly specializes in is thinning hair solutions, which was my reason for seeking her expertise. I’m consistently impressed by her professionalism and passion for what she does, as well as compassion for those who are sensitive about particular aspects of their hair. I had expressed concern for areas of my hair that were thinning and she listened thoroughly, created a treatment plan, taught me some tricks of her trade to disguise my sensitivities, and she shared in my joy as we saw it working. I have had long hair for over 30 years and I gave AnneMichelle the artistic freedom to cut it much shorter for the very first time. Thanks to her guidance and hair care products, in just a short period of time, my hair is healthier, shinier, and most importantly, fuller. It was a very large step for me to entrust someone with my hair in these manners, but AnneMichelle truly came through for me. If the biggest compliment that I can possibly pay to someone is to recommend them to others, then for AnneMichelle, I will tell everyone I know!"

5.0 Review from E.B. Source: Office Visit Aug 23 2023

"Finding AnneMichelle right when I needed her was a blessing! Over two years of life and work stress took me from wondering if my hair really was thinning to knowing it was – and at that point, I began to panic! After AnneMichelle calmed me down, she assessed the condition of my scalp and hair and came up with a treatment plan. Then she gave me a fantastic cut that camouflaged the thin areas, while we allowed time for her magic to start working! I saw results quickly – my scalp condition improved and my hair has been growing back! And the best part – I receive compliments on my hair routinely! Thank you AnneMichelle!"

5.0 Review from S.D. Source: Office Visit Aug 23 2023

"The CNC 3D System is incomparable. As someone who has used a variety of hair replacement systems and wigs for more than 20 years, I can say nothing comes even close to this. The personalized fit of the cap is remarkable, light, and undetectable. The hair is absolutely fabulous. I love it. But what has made the system really work for me is AnneMichelle. Her compassionate understanding, deep commitment to helping people with hair loss, and her artistry as a stylist are all extraordinary. She is a true partner who will turn this superior system into your best hair ever."

5.0 Review from F.W. Source: Google Jul 11 2022

"Alopecia is a life-changing, distressing event. Going to AnneMichelle for scalp treatment and a hair system is life restorative. This is a no-judgment zone where you receive not only a a carefully designed, customized and professionally applied prosthesis that makes you look like yourself again but you also have a comforting and healthful salon experience with AnneMichelle's very professional and talented hands."
*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.